Evidence for Genetic Entropy From the Real World

The second law of thermodynamics states that total energy always decreases over time in a closed system. Things break down! The human genome is also subject to mutational entropy at 300 mutations per generation. So, if we extrapolate backwards we come to a point at which our genome must have zero entropy and was perfect. Travelling forward in time we come to a point when all genomes will be extinct. Here are six lines of evidence proving genetic entropy:

1. RNA viruses

The Spanish Flu, H1N1, killed between 50 and 100 million people. By 2009 it was extinct after 15% of its genome of 12,600 nucleotides had mutated. It followed a perfect linear mutation accumulation rate and a perfect exponential biological decay curve. The H2N2 and H3N2 outbreaks are now following the same decay curve.

2. From 450,000 to 3.6 million in 4,000 years

The accumulation of human mutations has grown from 450,000 in Eskimos that lived 4,000 years ago to approximately 3.6 million mutations today. Extrapolating backwards gives us a perfect human genome around 4,000BC. This equates to 15,000 new mutations per generation sometime in our recent past compared to the 300 per generation today. This is a differential demanding further study.

3. Recent Deterioration

In addition, a 2013 study of 6,515 individuals concluded that approximately 86% of all single nucleotide mutations predicted to be deleterious arose in the past 5,000-10,000 years. These are definitely not figures and dates friendly to evolutionary theory.

4. Research Numbers

Professor James Crow estimates we are experiencing a 1-2% drop in human genetic fitness per generation.  Professor Michael Lynch estimates we are experiencing an even more alarming 5% drop in genetic fitness per generation.

5. From the pens of geneticists

Herman Muller

“…an asexual population incorporates a kind of ratchet mechanism, such that…lines become more loaded with mutations.”

Alexy Kondrashov

“Accumulation of VSDM’s (very slightly harmful mutations) in a linage…acts like a time bomb…the existence of vertebrate lineages should be limited to 106-107 generations.

Michael Lynch

Our results provide no evidence for the existence of a threshold population size beyond which a population is completely invulnerable to a mutational meltdown.

Noel Howell

“We should increase our attention to the broader question of how (or whether) organisms can tolerate, in the sense of evolution, a genetic system with such a high mutational burden.”

James Crow

“I do regard mutation accumulation as a problem. It is something like the population bomb, but it has a much longer fuse.”

Fred Hoyle

“When the environment is not fixed there is a slow genetic erosion… which natural selection cannot prevent.”

Adam Eyre-Walker & Peter Keightley

“…deleterious mutation rates appear to be so high in humans and our close relatives that it is doubtful that such species could survive…”

Michael Lynch

“Without a reduction in the germline transmission of deleterious mutations, the mean phenotypes of the residents in the industrialized nations are likely to be rather different in just two or three centuries.”

6. Genetic diseases are increasing

The World Health Organisation estimates that 10,000 diseases are now known to be caused by point mutations in reproductive DNA. The number is increasing annually. As more and more recessive mutations are colliding with each other.

7. The Biblical genealogies

There is one other recorded long term exponential biological decay in nature. This time it is actually in us humans. The ancient Hebrew people faithfully recorded the lifespans of all descendants over 70 generations after Noah. The result is astounding. It also follows a near perfect exponential biological decay curve.  In addition science has now proved all women are descended from a single woman, and all men from a single man. The dates given for these two ancestors range from 25,000 to 450,000 years, far too short for the evolutionary timescale.


Evidence for genetic entropy does indeed exist in the real world. Evidence comes from RNA viruses, ancient preserved human DNA, ancient genealogies, increasing genetic disease load and verified human fitness decline. Problems with the concept of mutational advance and natural selection are also acknowledged, over and over again, by the world’s leading population geneticists. One researcher even suggested in the title of his research paper that we as humans should have “died 100 times over”. Evolution is a myth. The evidence says we were quite recently made perfect and are heading on a one way path to extinction.

If you would like to read more click on this link

Camels GoingThrough the Eye of a Needle?

Matthew 19: 24 says “Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.“. This has been the accepted translation of this verse for thousands of years, based on ancient Greek translations of the New Testament.

However, it can be read differently. The Aramaic word for both camel and rope is the homonym “gamla”. It is entirely possible, and I believe probable, that the translators from the original Aramaic got it wrong. It makes more sense, a lot more sense, if Jesus actually said it was easier to push a rope through a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.

Regardless, when you look at the behaviour of the world’s rich today the metaphor stands!


Christianity: From AD 600 – 700

Political Milestones: 600AD to 700AD

Many events of profound long-term historical significance occurred in this century, and they mostly revolved around the dramatic birth of Islam. So we will deal with this topic first.

Muhammad, an illiterate orphan, was born around 570 AD. Deeply devout and superstitious, he received his first “vision” in 610 AD, calling him to start a new faith. Prior to this event, there were hundreds of “gods” in the Kaaba in Mecca. Muhammad borrowed a concept from Christianity and declared there was but one true god, Allah, who just happened to be the god of his tribe. Devotion to this god was to be superior to any tribal or ethnic loyalties, and Muhammad was the prophet of this god.

In 622 AD Muhammad fled Mecca for Medina as his message was no longer tolerated by the cities elite. It was at this point that his religion switched from being pacifist to militant. After gaining control of Medina by force and slaughtering the Jewish minority for refusing to acknowledge his prophetic claim, he marched on Mecca and secured it by force of arms. From this power base Islam began to grow to consume the Arab Peninsula.

Many of the unsettling teachings and of the Muslim faith familiar to us today can be traced directly to the lifestyle of Muhammad himself, including militarism, religiously justified violence, paedophilia, lies and deception, extreme religious intolerance, sexual exploitation, superstition, ethnic cleansing and the hegemony of the Arabic culture over all others.

Muhammad died in 632 AD but his armies continued to conquer surrounding tribes in what they saw as a holy war to rid the world of pagan religious impurities. Sadly, Islam also copied many of the ritualistic practices and doctrines it saw in the Christianity of the day.

This new religion sprung up in an era fertile for change. The plague and famine had ravaged both the Persian and Byzantine empires, weakening both sides of the Arabian Peninsula. In what was seen as a sign of divine favour, the Islamic armies quickly defeated both the Persian and Byzantine armies in battles where they were far outnumbered. Persia succumbed in 650 AD and adopted Islam. The Byzantines, twice besieged, recovered by 720 AD and kept Islam out of Eastern Europe for a thousand years. Undaunted by these setbacks, Islamic armies marched across North Africa, demanding conversion or slavery.

In 680 AD a permanent division occurred in the House of Islam that led to the establishment of Shia Islam in Persia and Sunni Islam in Arabia. These two religious and cultural factions have had an uneasy, and often violent relationship ever since.

By 700 AD Islamic armies controlled all the lands from the western tip of North Africa to the Indus River valley in Pakistan. In less than a century, Arabs had come to rule over an area that spanned eight thousand kilometres and was roughly the size of Russia today.

In other parts of the world life was still on the move. In 601AD, the Turkish general Tardu, sacked the capital of China. Early in the century the Vikings started invading England and Ireland. This was also the century when the Mayans began building their pyramids. In 621AD Japan adopted Buddhism as its state religion, as did China in 691AD. China was again invaded by the Khitan Mongols in 686AD.

Spiritual Milestones: 600AD to 700AD

In six centuries the Gospel had succeeded in winning one fifth of humanity to some form of Christian faith, often more diluted than pure. In the first half of this era it had overcome intense spiritual, political and cultural opposition without an army, money or allies. Some 2.5 million believers had been slaughtered in the process just for being Christian.

This all ended when Islam became the new superpower in the middle of the super continent. They now dominated the political, economic, military and spiritual landscape for the next thousand years. The Christian leadership centres of Alexandria, Jerusalem and Antioch were lost forever, as were the key Nestorian centres of Edessa and Adiabene. Christianity slowly became a stagnant religious backwater on the western edge of Europe.

For the first time, religious Christianity had a copy-cat religious enemy. Although deriving much from our faith, Islam openly denounced the core tenets of Jesus’ teachings. Its teachings and values came from the warlords of the Middle East and as such it emphasised works instead of grace, death and war instead of life and love, fatalism instead of rationalism, honour/shame instead of turning the other cheek, revenge instead of patience. Jesus and Muhammad could not have been more distant in origin, method and message. By 700 AD it looked like Muhammad’s violent approach to religion had won.

However, the century was also successful for our faith in Northern Europe, Central Asia and China. As the century opened, about 8 million people in the ethnic groups in Central Asia had adopted Nestorian Christianity, and the faith continued to grow for many more hundreds of years. Today these are the countries that end with the suffix “stan”. It would take 700 years for the strong faith of the Central Asians to disappear under the relentless violence of Islam.  In 635 AD one of their missionaries, Alopen, reached China, planted churches there, received Imperial favour, and the Gospel grew rapidly.

From 612 AD onwards, humble and God-fearing Celtic missionaries, were evangelising Switzerland and Northern Italy. By 650 AD they were evangelising the Netherlands and revitalising Christianity in England. However, in 664 AD, at the Synod of Whitby, Oswy, king of a large part of England abandoned the Celtic Church and accepted the faith of Rome. This marks a major decline in the influence of the more Biblical Celtic faith in favour of the rising influence of Roman Catholicism in Britain. This ushered in a large and unnecessary persecution that would eventually see the Celtic faith die out, leaving England Catholic for 900 years.

In the meantime, over in Jerusalem, the Persians slaughtered 90,000 Greek Christians in 615 AD. They then invaded Egypt and killed another 10,000 Coptic believers. This relentless killing of Christians by Zoroastrians continued until 628 AD when they finally gave up. By this stage 30-40% of Persia was Nestorian Christian. A fact lost to history is that those Christians who lived under Persian rule suffered more death and persecution thane those who lived and died under the cruel hand of Rome. But in 642 AD Persia was itself conquered by Muslim armies! This was straight after Islam had taken Jerusalem from the Persians and killed another 80,000 Greek Christians, setting the stage for the Crusades 462 years later.

In the decade of 640 AD a call back to New Testament Christianity emerged in Asia Minor, home of many of the original churches in the Book of Revelation. They called themselves “Paulicans” and their message would be very familiar to modern believers. They sought a return to the simple holiness of Jesus and his followers. This was to be the first of many movements calling Christianity back to its roots. None succeeded until Martin Luther.

In the second half of the century the Christian Berbers of North Africa put up stiff resistance to the invading Muslim armies. It took ten military campaigns to fully destroy Christianity in the 5 million strong Berber communities. Even today they still regard themselves as forced converts, or “sword Muslims”.

The Seventh Century marked the first century since 33 AD that the percentage of people in the world claiming to be Christian declined. There was a new ideology on the block, and it was an uncompromising violent army, convinced of his own manifest destiny and set on the total destruction of any religion in its path. The next century would almost see the death of European Christianity.

God Loves Maths

The secular world would like to think that mathematics is the product of the human mind and these same people struggle greatly with the fact that maths is the only language by which the universe  can be understood. There is a universal maths behind every aspect to the physical universe that screams to us  “we are dealing with a sublime mathematician”.

Consider the following: All life is biology. all biology is physiology. All physiology is chemistry. All chemistry is physics. All physics is math (Dr Stephen Marquardt) The whole universe can be reduced to mathematical formulas, with no “apparent” reason why this should be so.

Seth Lloyd was the first person to design a functioning quantum computer. He said that ” the history of the universe is, in effect, a huge and ongoing quantum computation”.

That the universe is a comprehensive mathematical miracle has not been lost on other great scientists either. Sir Fred Hoyle said that “a super intellect has monkeyed with the physics”. While professor Paul Davies continues the awe with “It seems as though somebody has fine-stunned natures numbers to make the universe. The impression of design is overwhelming.”

What are they talking about. Well, here are some examples:

The gravitational force is fine tuned to within one hundred millionth. If it was any larger or smaller the universe would not exist.

The ratio between the gravitational force and the electromagnetic force is fine tuned to ten to the fortieth. Any variation on this exquisite tuning would collapse the universe.

The strength of the electromagnetic interaction within the atom is governed by a constant that is 1/137.035999070. Richard Feynman said of this remarkable number that “It’s one of the greatest damn mysteries of physics. A magic number that comes to us with no understanding by man. You might say ‘the hand of God’ wrote that number and we don’t know how he pushed his pencil”.

I could go on for a long time on this topic, but I trust you get my point. God loves maths!!!

God bless


The Watched Universe

In my first post I told you how quantum physics has shown that an electron can have mass and no mass, and that it “knows” when humans are watching, behaving as matter only when we are watching. The rest of the time it just doesn’t exist. It is like it materialises out of another dimension. I think this idea needs a little more unpacking as it is the central tenant of quantum physics.

That an electron can be an energy field and a solid particle means that matter materialises out of energy waves that are not local. They could be anywhere. On a larger scale this would be called magic, and still is by many quantum physics experts. This reality tells us the existence of matter is uncertain and non local. Only through observation by intelligence can it manifest as matter.

I mentioned John Wheeler in the first post. He is a world-class physicist and the man who invented the term “black hole”. Wheeler gave a lot of thought to the above mentioned observer effect on electrons and came to the conclusion that the entire universe can only exist if it is being watched, that an observer is absolutely essential to the Big Bang’s materialisation and existence. He asked the question “what sort of a creature qualifies for this position.”

This fits in perfectly with the Biblical worldview, but no other. Not the atheistic views of various shades, or pantheistic New Age beliefs, nor Hindu or Buddhist. You see it is only an intelligent observer who creates the effect. If that leaves you feeling uncomfortable, then good, it was meant to.

God bless
