
It was late 2012 when I and my web page designer both independently thought that some of the seminars on my website should be turned into ebooks. Six months, and hundreds of hours later, we finally started publishing ebooks on Kindle. This is quite a novelty for a techno-dinosaur like myself! But here we are and here we go:


 The Book of Revelation Explained – Price: $0.99

This is my commentary on the book of Revelation, which I originally created in 1995 as a summary of David Chilton’s mammoth “Days of Vengeance”. David’s amazing work was far the largest and best researched commentary every written on Revelation. It was so thorough in fact that, over the three and a half years it took him to write it, he cross referenced more than 10% of all the verses in the entire Bible! Just after I finished my paper summary of his work I was privileged to meet David on a short visit he made to Australia after suffering a stroke. Sadly he has now left us, but his legacy lives on in “Days of Vengeance”. With the coming of the internet and scanning technology I was able to resurrect my 70,000 word commentary in digital format and convert it into the www.setfreeseminars.com notes. From there it was a relatively small step to making it available on Kindle for the wider audience and for those who prefer reading it in true book format.


 Financial Freedom Forever – Price: $0.99

In the last ten years I have “cracked the code” and created a 100 fold increase in my initial capital, averaging over 50% compound during this time. After twenty years of fascination with global investment markets and somewhat tepid investment experience I finally put the pieces together in 2003 and have never looked back. Experience is wisdom in this game and mine came at great expense. When success finally began to flow easily, I began to write down what I was learning to help myself and to help my friends. This hobby has evolved into the 80,000 words of investment advice you see in the Finance section of my www.setfreeseminars.com website. Then late in 2012 I thought, after 10 years of consistent success in the markets, I had the right to share these valuable lessons with the Kindle audience.

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