An Amazing Story of Multiplication

How many Western churches do you know that are proclaiming the Kingdom, seeing multiple miracles and healings and training an army of workers to reach the abundant harvest that is waiting to be set free? I live in Queensland, Australia, and even in the most evangelical of the abundance of churches here there is very little of the last two happening across the board. The churches here are stuck in attractional Christianity: Put on a great show and they will come. But they aren’t coming any more.

However, several years ago I visited one church in Brisbane that was radically different and was seeing an abundant harvest of souls both locally and internationally. It’s called the Tivoli Miracle Centre run by Joel Shaw. They are very busy training every church member with a micro gospel sharing skills system called Four Fields and they are seeing many come to faith in their very multicultural community.

As far as I know they are the only church in this part of the world with such an emphasis on upskilling their people in how to share the good news day by day, every day. New believers were immediately trained to then pass on their new faith to others and to form small groups where deep discipling can take place.

I saw numerous relational maps on the wall showing ever-expanding networks of new believers in the community being pastored by church members in small groups. They were hidden in the community and church for them was in a house, but they were vibrant and ever growing. The person who saw them come to faith was their pastor and mentor until they were pastoring and mentoring others.

I heard stories of little lady “nobody” believers that had come to Australia to study and then heading back to their homelands of Ecuador and Mongolia and starting rapidly growing movements of dozens and hundreds by using the same skills they had learned in Brisbane.

Recently Joel had to change his training systems because of Covid. Instead of training people in-house he now trains on zoom. The numbers have now exploded to over 500 students in 71 training groups in three time zones and four languages around the world in countries such as Myanmar, some closed Muslim countries, South Africa, Japan, Zambia, the Philippines, the USA, Germany, Spain and India! Click on this link to hear him describe some of this amazing story (but go to the fourth minute before starting). He describes people getting saved in large numbers in those countries every week and being discipled in small groups, leaders being trained to take the Gospel to their local community and forming small relational church groups. Multiplication has begun.

Lord, PLEASE raise up hundreds of churches like this one!

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